The Digital Museum of the University of Porto is a project of the Vice-Rectory for Culture, with the technological support of Weblevel, which aims to preserve and disseminate the material and immaterial heritage of a University that grows with the city of Porto.
In order to make this heritage easier for the general public to consult, Weblevel proposed the creation of an Android and iOS mobile application that would allow navigation between the different points of interest through specially created tourist itineraries.
To support the developed application there is a web interface that allows not only the quick addition of new itineraries, but also the maintenance of the existing ones.
In this web interface, it is also possible for a user to see the existing itineraries if he does not want to install the app.
However, the application allows a more interactive and adapted navigation of the routes, as it makes use of sensors such as GPS to sort the routes by the closest to your location, as well as order the points of that route in order to be able to consult them with a shorter navigation route.